Alpla Packaging (Thailand) Ltd.
Employee Reviews

Good Life
ALPLA (Thailand) ดูแลคนของเราให้มีคุณภาพชีวิตที่ดี
Good Work
ALPLA (Thailand) ส่งเสริมการพัฒนาบุคลากรอยู่เสมอ
Good Pay
ALPLA (Thailand) ผลตอบแทนความพยายามของทุกคน
Company Overview
About the Company
As a global company, we are aware of our responsibilities. Our identity is shaped by fairness and honesty, partnerships and respectful actions. The equal treatment of all people and law-abiding behaviour are also of vital importance to us.
ALPLA is a family-owned business that seeks balanced p...
At the ALPLA Group, our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our responsible approach and key objectives in three action areas:

People and society: We are conscious of our responsibility towards our employees and their families and we remain mindful of our impact on wider society. Our relat...
People and society
- We do not tolerate discrimination, sexual harassment, child labour or forced labour under any circumstances.
- We guarantee safe working conditions for all employees and take specific measures to reduce the risk of accidents.
- We provide our employees, apprentices and teaching ...
Company Size
500 - 999 people
Company Industry
Si Maha Phot, Prachinburi